Kniha návštěv

Datum: 10.03.2014

Vložil: Fin

Titulek: Re:Play Off

Nazdar chlapci myslim ze by jsme měli ctit tradici která je v NHL a to jest ze muzstvo nebo tym který se dostane do Play Off i finále se po celou dobu .souteze .....neholi.



Datum: 24.02.2014

Vložil: Taxik

Titulek: Paříž

Ja mám v květnu uz hodně práce takže ja ne kluciiiii



Datum: 24.02.2014

Vložil: Fin

Titulek: Re: Paříž

Taxiku ja bych rad videl tu tvoji praci budes stavet barak.



Datum: 23.02.2014

Vložil: Lukáš

Titulek: turnaj Paříž

Takže pánové... přišela mi odpověď s ceníkem.

Nejsme plní, máme přihlášeno 6 týmu a hledáme další dva.
Startovné je 450euro za tým.

Oběd je zajištěn v nedaleké restaraci 10 euro za oběd. Jinak se o jídlo nestaraj.

Hotel je zajišten za ´´speciální ceny´´ 42 euro za dvojlůžák a 49 za třílůžák včetně snídaně.

mam i pravidla ale ty mi zatim nejdou otevřít.



Datum: 23.02.2014

Vložil: Lukáš

Titulek: pravidla - přeložte si to sami :)

Colombes France – 2nd International
Recreational Ice Hockey Tournament
May 9; 10 & 11, 2014
Tournament Format
 The tournament will be play in Colombes arena, a 56 x 26 meters ice surface, glass walled rink
 1 000 seats, free entrance for spectators.
 8 Teams - 2 divisions
 3 division games of 2 x 25 minutes running time for each team
 1 semifinal game of 2 x 25 minutes running time + eventual shootout.
 1 final ranking game of 2 x 25 minutes running time + eventual shootout.
 Gold medal game will be played 2 x 20 minutes stopped time + eventual 10 minutes sudden death overtime + eventual shootout.
 Games will be played Friday and Saturday from 9 AM to 7 PM. Sunday from 9 AM to 2 PM
 2 games per day for each team on Friday and Saturday
 Game schedule will be provide a week minimum before the event
 Schedules are susceptible to change according to tournament’s management needs.
Tournament Rules
Tournament will be play under standard IIHF rules but NON CHECKING rules *
(* a detailed definition of non-checking rule will be provided separately)
 All players are aged 18 or older.
 All players are experienced recreational players only
 All players are fully insured against any damage they can cause to anyone else
 All players are wearing a full set of approved equipment
 Players acknowledge that there is a risk of being injured when playing the game of hockey
 All the participants declare to have signed any adequate insurance. The liability of the organizers of the tournament cannot be committed in case of physical injury or material damage
 A player will be allowed to register and play for one team only of the tournament
 Team must dress a minimum playing roster of eleven registered players (ten skaters and a goalkeeper)
 Any Team playing a non-registered player or a registered player from another team will be forfeit 0-5 and will receive a minus 1 point in the ranking.
 Each team must have uniforms of matching color. Each player's uniform must have a unique (no duplicate) number permanently attached (no taped-on numbers). Home-and-away uniforms including matching socks are appreciated.
 Only injured goalkeeper can be replaced, according to Tournament Director’s prior approval
The Referees are instructed to apply the rules firmly; specially in regards to acts of violence
Any dangerous player, severe misconduct player, repetitive offender will be banned from the tournament
Tournament Points, Ranking & Tie Breaker
Division games: Win: 2 points
Tie: 1 point
Loss: 0 Point
Tie Breaker: (by sequence) 1/ Result against each other
2/ Highest goals difference
3/ Highest goals for
4/ Lowest goals against
5/ Lowest penalties minutes
Tournament Costs & Payments
 Registration cost is set at €450 (euros) per team for organization, ice time, locker & referring.
 Perpetual trophies will be granted to all teams
 Teams will have to share locker rooms and shower rooms
 Teams will be allowed to store equipment within the arena, in locker rooms, for the full duration of
the tournament at their own risks.
 An initial €150 nonrefundable deposit fee is asked for registration upon qualified invitation
 The remaining balance of €300 is expecting no later than February the 15th, 2014.
 Registering Roster expecting no later than March the 30th, 2014. (changes can be applied according
to Tournament Director prior’s approval)
 Failing to complete full registration process (full €450 payment and roster clearance) by end of
March will result in a potential withdraw of your team from the tournament.
 In case of cancellation by the organizers of the tournament, whatever the reason, the liability of the
organizers is exclusively limited to the reimbursement of the paid fees of registration (maximum of
Payments are expecting wired at:
Account Owner: Club des Sports de Glace de Colombes
Parc de l’ile Marante
92700 Colombes
IBAN: FR76 3006 6102 2100 0201 0310 169
 Do not forget to indicate your team name in object and to send me a copy of wiring order
 Only Net euros value received will be credit on your account
 Any eventual payment fee on your side
 Acknowledgment of receipt will be provided
CSG COLOMBES “MillePattes”
Patinoire de l’Ile Marante
Ulrick Hennebert – Tournament Director
Tel: +33 6 74 83 58 98
Please stay tuned on our Facebook page



Datum: 24.02.2014

Vložil: Jirka

Titulek: Re: turnaj Paříž

Tak to je startovné cca 1000,- na hlavu.. Hotel na tři noci taky cca 1000,- na hlavu(to celkem jde), min 2000,- s sebou na jídlo.. A s dopravou nemám přehled! Ale za me klidně říkám ANO :))



Datum: 24.02.2014

Vložil: Geslík

Titulek: Re: Re: turnaj Paříž

To startovné a hotel to je dobrý. Domluvit se ještě čím bysme jeli a na kolik by ta cesta vyšla, ale já bych taky určitě jel.



Datum: 24.02.2014

Vložil: Bedýnka

Titulek: Re: Re: Re: turnaj Paříž

To neni zas tak hrozný, ještě ta cesta ... Kolikrát ti přijde taková nabídka ;) ... Za mě jsem pro :)



Datum: 24.02.2014

Vložil: Mike

Titulek: Re: turnaj Paříž

Tak snad to nepokazím, když se něco nepo... tak by bílá pětka by skoro komplet. Já chci taky jet



Datum: 23.02.2014

Vložil: Lukláš

Titulek: Pozvánka na turnaj

Vim že to zní šíleně, ale dostali jsme pozvánku na mazinárodní amaterskej turnaj v Paříží. 9-11.5. Chceme jet?

Tohle přišlo...

Ulrick Hennebert

We are looking to register the 8th and last team for our tournament

You will find in the attached document more info about the tournament

We are playing full IIHF rules but NON CHECKING

Our teams are made of Veterans and/or Hobby players

No active league players - the average age was about 38 years old last year.

Currently we have teams from Russia, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Swiss and our French team registered

Optional : We have a lunch plan at the Tennis Club restaurant and have special prices at nearby hôtels.

Feel free to ask any question

We will be very pleased to have your team on board!

Best regards

+ 33 6 74 83 58 98

“Les MillePattes de Colombes” announce the second edition of their annual international amateur Ice hockey tournament.
The tournament will be play in Colombes (West border of Paris) on May 9, 10 and 11th 2014.
3 days tournament – 5 games per team
8 teams
A detailed information will be send on request about format, rules and costs.
Registration will be open shortly after qualification.

